Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Send me goodies!

Here are some pictures from the opening ceremony that I stole from BFA's website.

To open the ceremony, all of the seniors carried in a different country's flag.

Senior class president Yoel Kim giving his first address of the year.

Director Tim Shuman talking with the class of 2020: Nathaniel Evans.

Oh, and I remembered another important thing.

Brandon Jeffers
Badhof 1
79400 Kandern

This is my address at the dorm so if you ever want to send me anything, you can use this. Not that you need to. I'm just saying. The address on the back of my prayer card is the school's address, and if you were to use that, I would still receive the mail at my mailbox at school, but I will get something right away if you use the dorm's address. That's all for now. Things are still going great! God bless!


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